If You Recently Had An Injury Due To Someone Else's Negligence or Mistake

You May Be Entitled To Compensation

Let Us Connect You To An Attorney To See If You Qualify.

They Will Give You A Free Consultation To See If You Are Eligible For Compensation

The Compensation You Deserve

We work with law firms across the country that specialize in getting their clients the most compensation they are eligible to receive.

The attorneys will usually take your case on contingency, meaning they only get paid if they collect money for you. If they determine you qualify, they will work tirelessly on your behalf to try to get you everything you deserve.

Get Compensated

We work with law firms across the country that specialize in getting their clients the most compensation they are eligible to receive.

The attorneys will usually take your case on contingency, meaning they only get paid if they collect money for you. If they determine you qualify, they will work tirelessly on your behalf to try to get you everything you deserve.

"I was injured at work and Legal Help Group got me an attorney that took my case and covered my medical bills until the company settled."

Jennifer Parks | Philadelphia, PA

"I was injured at work and Legal Help Group got me an attorney that took my case and covered my medical bills until the company settled"

Jennifer Parks | Philadelphia, PA

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